Advanced Stop Smoking Success for Hypnotists

Stop smoking clients can be some of the most straight-forward, successful and grateful clients you have. If you want to have a thriving practice, you need to include helping people to stop smoking.

This class includes a workbook and two videos to help you get your head around these specific clients, how to set up your appointments, what to say during your intake, and some solid scripts that have worked for me for 18 years.

While this program focuses mainly on cigarette smoking (the most popular client at the moment), this can be converted to cigar or pipe smoking, tobacco chewing or vaping.

One you increase your confidence and skills, you'll be able to help so many people achieve the success that they may have been struggling with for so long.

I'm happy you're taking this step and enhancing your know-how - to your continued success!

4 Lessons

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Workbook: Stop Smoking Success

Video: Stop Smoking Introduction, Words and Interview

Video: Stop Smoking Success Scripts

Quick pages: Reference for Stop Smoking Client Success